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Ulkaa connects you to the world! Meet people, chat, share your thoughts, shop online, find Islamic content, find courses online, use tools and so on!

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One Account for All Ulkaa Service!

Ulkaa is a Social Network website, which connects you to the world!
Ulkaa Islam
Ulkaa Islam is an Islamic community website to provide Quran, Hadith and other Islamic resources.
Ulkaa Campus
Ulkaa Campus is a school, college and university based community and institute management system.
Ulkaa Abhro
Ulkaa Abhro is an online shopping center.
Ulkaa Tool
Ulkaa Tool is a website to find a huge number of tools for productivity.
Ulkaa Search
Ulkaa Search is a search engine for Ulkaa Network only.
Ulkaa Finance
Ulkaa Finance is a website for financial, stock market and related service and update.
Ulkaa Chat
Ulkaa Chat is a messaging platform for Ulkaa Network.

Stay with Friends

Connecting with friends is now too easy! Join Ulkaa and chat, share updates with friends anytime, anywhere.
